Data Mirror for Peachtree

Data Mirror for Peachtree is an application that mirrors a Peachtree database into a Sql Server database. As changes are made in Peachtree the SQL Server database is automatically updated.

Other methods of accessing the Peachtree database from external applications require using a programmable interface and writing code to read the data. With the Data Mirror for Peachtree there is no need to write any code to read the Peachtree data - it is available immediately in the SQL Server database, where it can be accessed with a wide variety of tools. The free Microsoft .NET Express tools have strong support for Sql Server, allowing you to quickly develop Web and Windows applications.

To illustrate the power of having the Peachtree data available in a SQL Server database, we used the .NET Visual Web Developer Express tool to build a page that pulled up a list of customer data from a Peachtree database. This took less than 5 minutes (mostly laying out the design of the web page) and required NO coding whatsoever. And by adding just a few lines of code the web page would automatically update the customer data on the open page whenever the customer information was modified in Peachtree.

The Data Mirror for Peachtree requires SQL Server be installed on the system where it is installed. If you don't have SQL Server we have found that the free SQL Express, which you can download from Microsoft, works quite nicely with even the biggest of Peachtree databases.

The Data Mirror for Peachtree database is a read only application, meaning that it can read Peachtree data into the Sql Server database but it has no capability to write data back to the Peachtree database. It will work with Peachtree versions 2009 and later.

The current version of Data Mirror for Peachtree is . Version history

Price: $299,  which includes one year of updates, and one hour of installation support including basic product instruction. More than 1 hour of database and/or programming support is billable.

Get the demonstration version of Data Mirror for Peachtree .

Click here Data Mirror Manual [.PDF] to download the manual.

Click here to get An Introduction to Data Mirror.

Click to see our end user license agreement (EULA).
Click to see the uninstall instructions for this software.

Click here to download the free Sql Server Express from Microsoft. Note: You should download the version that includes tools.